Neha Yadav

With the rise of new technology, mankind is striving towards innovation and development each second in the digital world. One such technological breakthrough is already thriving with the advent of the Metaverse. While the pandemic led the man to switch to virtual life with almost everything gone online, who knew the virtual world, could be something that connects people with its near-reality essence?
Metaverse is not just virtual reality. It is a creation that is beaming across the paths of almost all firmaments that prospect to fledge with this newfound technology. The very realistic and captivating experience is what makes Metaverse a disparate stride for the online world. It has just set its foot in the juggernaut of the World Wide Web and is now fledgling with a wider roadmap to futuristic goals.
Metaverse was coined ahead of its time, around a decade ago, when it envisaged ambitious and high-end concepts of innovation in Virtual Reality, augmented reality, and 3D computing concepts. While the tech experts of the world have been juggling with virtual concepts, in the long run, the efforts have now shown colour as the virtual advances are jostling for everyone’s use.
The time has arrived, when not just world leaders, but also ordinary people trail to make Metaverse an intrinsic part of their lives. From jobs & fashion to weddings & receptions; Metaverse is now being etched everywhere. As tech chiefs pave to give a neck-to-neck competition, Facebook, Sony, Microsoft, Epic Games and a bevvy of companies are brainstorming on projects for playing the field virtually. While these companies are clamouring to grab the first-mover advantage, it remains vague whether the VR headset would trump the expansive multiplayer world or cloud-based graphics in the sudden escalation.
Metaverse is opening its gates inviting contributions and experiments from job seekers who have notched up their traditional resumes to a virtual CV that allows viewers to virtually explore, inspect and stroll around their professional experiences. A resume is no more relevant than just reading with this advancement. This creativity may just be enough to land any tech-savvy job one aspires to get.
From meeting on the internet to tying the knot, a Chennai-based newly married couple tweeted that they would adopt a virtual experience for their upcoming wedding reception due to the curbs imposed by Covid. One just couldn’t have reckoned how virtual weddings could take place before this viral crisis hit the world.
Technology has never been so timely and accessible to the point when the bride and groom can offer an invitation for online reception in Metaverse. The reception is set to be held in a virtual Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry theme from the Harry Potter universe.
Rather than attending the physical event, the guests would be able to create their avatars through a website making this the first metaverse marriage in India. Gaming creators too are at the helm of spearheading metaverse, as there has been more influx in the number of gamers across the world that tout for adopting this innovative technology. Gaming in Metaverse will not just make it more engaging, but even more realistic for more gamers and creators to pitch in the field of gaming.
With this next-level experience for the users, the fashion industry will also witness a surge in online shopping with metaverse. A virtual place where buyers can create their avatars, interact and try on luxury brands is what real-time online shopping will feel like in the metaverse. Gucci marked its centenary anniversary by launching a virtual Gucci Garden on Roblox, while Balenciaga also launched its new collection on the digital game Fortnite. Metaverse has also roped Burberry, Nike, and Louis Vuitton into this digital world. These days, when more and more industries are dabbling in virtual competition, there are scores of participation going on in the metaverse right now. Digital space, innovation, and creativity are the perks metaverse offer its users to create the best of virtual reality.